AlumnaeMay 3, 2023

updated Aug 27, 2024

Reunion 125


Alums across 8 decades joined students, former and current faculty and staff, 和理事们庆祝125岁生日-准一百周年(是的, that's a word) — of Miss Hall’s School!

It was a weekend to remember, with extra-special emphasis on classes ending in 3 and 8, and friends from contiguous classes honoring our past, celebrating our present, and visioning together for the next 125 years.

James K. Ervin Tennis Complex Ribbon Cutting

新网球场的落成典礼对所有人来说都是一个快乐的时刻,以纪念敬爱的老师, coach, and Assistant Head of School Jim Ervin. 感谢近80位慷慨的捐赠者,我们筹集了90万美元,占1美元的82%.该项目需要100万美元,一旦完成,将包括景观美化和额外的停车场. MHS网球教练Rich Butler P ' 24代表球队感谢贡献者, and everyone cheered that the courts are in play!

Former longtime Athletic Director Diane Cleary spoke, and former Dean of Students, Art Teacher, and Lacrosse Coach Nancy Coleman read a touching letter from Mr. Ervin’s family. 董事会主席兼网球运动员南希·古斯塔夫森·奥尔特出席了这次活动, paying tribute to Eva Seed Auchincloss ’51, the first executive director of the Women’s Sports Foundation, founded by tennis great Billie Jean King, and a driving force behind the passing of Title IX legislation. 体育总监泰利亚·马克斯-麦考尔(Telia Marks-McCall)的讲话重点是体育在为女孩提供培养韧性和发展领导技能方面的重要性,这些技能在董事会和球场上都很有用.

125th Gala Dinner

Miss Hall’s gala birthday celebration was a red carpet affair, with mixed tables of alums, students, and faculty as we honored the past 125 years, celebrated our present, and visioned together the future of Miss Hall’s School. 由艺术家和MHS粉丝Vanessa Till Hooper在浮云下拍摄, 我们享受了一个精美的1898灵感的餐点准备的厨师拉斯和由优雅音符过去和现在的美丽的声音.

Our keynote, silence-breaker Lucia Stoller Evans ’01, 是谁帮助塑造了“我也是”(#MeToo)运动的形成,让数百万女性有能力公开反对性暴力, 大胆地向学生和成年人讲述如何使用我们的声音,拥有我们真实的真相, emphasizing that every one of us can make change.

校长茱莉亚·希顿分享了前校长珍妮·诺里斯的骄傲和感激之情:“MHS在过去的25年里蓬勃发展,校友们的支持破纪录,主要有两个原因. 我们相信,学院教育新一代年轻女性的目的和方法与我们的生活息息相关. 此外,或许也是最令人信服的是,我们每天都看到我们的世界充斥着分裂, injustice, inequality, violence, war, and hostility, particularly toward girls and women. 我们每个人都在尽自己的一份力量,在世界的一个小角落里治愈破碎, 但我们非常依赖这所学校培养新一代的女性,她们会加入我们,为正义而战. I love this school. I know you do as well.”

杰出校友奖获得者学术和学院院长丽莎·阿尔伯蒂1973年有力地讲述了她在教育方面的改变事业和指导的重要性. 董事会主席南希·古斯塔夫森·奥尔特(Nancy Gustafson Ault) 1973年获得芭芭拉·休姆斯·尤斯顿(Barbara Humes Euston) 1929年杰出服务奖时,她是“头灯下的鹿”! Mary Adamczyk, a culinary producer and food stylist from the Class of 2003, received the 2023 Young Alum Leadership Award.

Miss Hall’s Network in Action

Set aside the incredible food, fun swag, and beauty of the campus, 跨代的真实联系是周末的亮点. Alums engaged in Hallmark classes, mentored students at industry roundtables, and learned about student life today. 学生们喜欢向校友们学习,倾听他们的MHS故事,并带他们参观! 他们一起解决了有关赋予女童和妇女权力的未来的基本问题.

科学系系主任唐娜·戴格尔和地平线翡翠能源公司的主管在一次野餐早午餐时带回了这个广受欢迎的职业话题. Later, Shirley Dong ’23 gathered an impressive panel of alums suceeding in male-dominated fields: biomedical engineer Rachel Baumgarten ’13; public interest attorney Allison Marculitis ’13, actor-turned-marketer Lucia Stoller Evans ’01; and international business leader Barbara Cooperman ’73.


The Way We Debate

Casey Lai ’25 led a civics session for alums and students!

“Disagreeing with someone isn’t fun, 随之而来的肾上腺素和情绪的剧烈波动也不会让人揪心. 如果你曾经在激烈的争论中“失去冷静”——恭喜你! You’re a person. This naturally begs the question; how do we productively navigate conflict and differing opinions? In this workshop; we will discuss the psychology behind disagreement, ways to handle moments of contention, and how to effectively present your views.”

We Were All Students Again

We hear it all the time, “I wish I were a student today!“周五下午,125周年同学会开始了,我们参观了充满活力的霍尔马克澳门威利斯网站,体验了我们最先进的澳门威利斯网站, inquiry-based learning in action: Hallmark Chemistry with Alison Quiñones Johnson ’03; Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Chris Himes; Hallmark Latin with Dr. Sarah Nix; Environmental Science with Kennedy Raimer; and Biotechnology with Donna Daigle.

Student Performances

At Friday evening’s Welcome Home Reception, MHS剧院合奏团的成员重新从神话般的最近的音乐亮点, Once Upon A Mattress.

Grace Notes乐队则在周六的晚宴上演唱了《澳门威利斯官方网站》和其他粉丝喜爱的歌曲!

9th Grade Plant Sale

First-year Horizons students worked hard all year, 在Ara West Grinnell 1901年的温室中培育种子,并在Ruth Milliken Murphy ' 30陶瓷工作室为植物投掷花盆. On Sunday of Reunion 125, 校友们了解了九年级学生的爱心劳动,并在附近购买了最好的植物大甩卖!

Book of the School

On the eve of Commencement, 每位高中毕业生都会在校册上盖上自己的名字, signifying that they have lived by our shared values, completed the work that they set out to do, and made themselves and Miss Hall’s stronger in the process.

This 💙💛 tradition began two decades ago, 当时语文系系主任帕梅拉·布雷斯林(Pamela Breslin)为1898年至2001年所有学生的名字题字. 2002年,第一批新生把自己的名字写进了这本书, and everyone has done so since.

For those who graduated in 2001 or before, Reunion 125 provided the ideal, historic moment to stamp their name and make their mark!

Proceeds from Reunion honored 125 years of excellence in teaching.

感谢所有回家庆祝澳门威利斯网站人生里程碑的人! 我们希望你能花几分钟时间来做这个简短的调查,以帮助我们改善所有人的留尼旺体验.

Reunion 125