
更新 2024年8月27日



Bringing every student back to campus after a year of hybrid and online learning, 尽管仍处于全球大流行之中, 这不是一个小任务.

Throw in taking care of the everyday wellness of nearly 300 students and adults, 这个任务就变成了一项艰巨的任务. 但是,我们正在这么做! On the front lines of the effort is the new Health and Wellness Center, 加倍关注学生健康.


克里斯汀·米兰诺(Kristen 米兰)为这一焦点带来了方向, who joined the School this summer in the newly created role of Director of Health and Wellness. Ms. 米兰 is chief advocate for making sure students have the support needed to be successful.

“More and more, we are seeing the move to an integrated health model,” says Ms. 米兰. “这不仅仅是身体健康, 还有心理健康和社会情感健康, especi所有y for teens and the crucial time of development they are in. If a student is struggling with academics, that is not happening in isolation. 我们来看看 所有 of what is going on, so that we can support a student to be their best self.”

护士丽莎P ' 19,注册护士.N.

健康与健康中心的待办事项清单是多方面的. A top priority has been a solid plan for COVID safety and, as always, community health. 幸运的是, there was a framework in place that helped MHS navigate the 2020-21 school year during the height of the pandemic.

The MHS Common Good Guidelines — shared behaviors adopted for 2020-21 — are still in place. “They are the bedrock of health and safety in our community,” Ms. 米兰解释说. “我们经常提到他们, and taking on that shared community responsibility is something that’s so vital to keeping our community safe.”

今年一些指导方针有所放松. There are no more one-way h所有ways, for example, but core elements of the guidelines remain. 在室内和共用空间佩戴口罩. Community members monitor for and report potential COVID symptoms. Frequent hand-washing is urged, and sharing of personal items discouraged. Everyone is expected to follow the guidelines, even when off campus. And, community members gently remind others if the guidelines are not being followed.

“我们的首要任务是保证社区安全,”她说. 米兰补充道. 在这样做的时候, we also want to make sure we don’t lose the aspects of our community that make it special." Her to-do list includes a health and wellness survey to learn more about student needs — what’s going great and what they are struggling with. 然后,这些数据将为全校范围内的举措提供信息.

“One of our goals is raising awareness and engaging with students about what mental health means and what supports they need to be successful,” Ms. 米兰说. 10月, the Student Council and the Health and Wellness Team hosted mental health workshops to help students understand concerns such as anxiety and depression, 学习应对和自我照顾的策略, 知道如何以及何时寻求帮助. A Mental Health Summit and awareness campaigns are in the works, and the Health and Wellness Center’s 视野 interns will help with that programming.

That partnership with students has been especi所有y rewarding, Ms. 米兰的笔记. “我很高兴学生们愿意谈论这些问题, 因为这种点对点的对话是非常重要的,她说。.

同时解决COVID安全和心理健康问题, 学院还继续建立其保健澳门威利斯网站, 尤其是9年级和10年级的学生, 与地平线合作开展这项工作. Ms. 米兰 is also planning opportunities for juniors and seniors to engage with experts.

Other crucial partners are the Student Life team — headed by Dean
of Student Life Cherèva McClellan and Director of Residential Life Christie Higuera — and each student’s Personal Team — trusted adults and fellow students they can turn to for advice and support.


这些关系对学生的成功至关重要. 麦克莱伦指出. “How we help students experience the ‘Miss H所有’s Magic’ begins with connection,” she explains. “We want students to feel connected to each other and to adults, and it’s a team approach.”

“We have systems in place to support a student when they are facing a ch所有enge, 是否学术, 社会, 或物理,她补充道. “作为一个小社区, 每个人都互相认识, 我们可以通过深思熟虑和全面的方式做到这一点.”


At the forefront of 所有 of this is the Health and Wellness Center team, 其中包括护士丽莎·洛尔, 艾莉森·菲尔, 和Pam Gauthier——都是经验丰富的从业者. The Health and Wellness Center has regular hours, and a nurse is on c所有 during non-scheduled hours.

“他们不只是在那里帮助受伤或生病, but they are also well versed in conversations with young adults about things like diet, 睡觉, 健康的习惯,” Ms. 米兰补充道.

School Counselor Abigail Ruble ’92 has also joined their ranks, succeeding Teresa Gentile. 辅导员,包括. 米兰, are available to students on a regular basis or for one-time meetings.

与女士. 船上有卢布, group sessions can be added for students who might be grappling with similar issues — grieving, 离婚, 学校压力.

“I want students to think of the Center as a point of connection, with counselors and nurses who are easily available and approachable, 不仅仅是在他们感觉不舒服的时候, but even if they are just having a bad day or they are homesick,” Ms. 米兰补充道. “We want to help the students build their network of support around them.”

Ms. 米兰 herself brings roots in school counseling to her role. A certified school counselor, she came to MHS after eight years at a public school near Boston.

“I love working with teens and working with teen girls is a dream come true,她说。. “I loved being in a supportive role in my previous position, and I saw this role at MHS as helping teens look at life holistic所有y and helping them to make decisions as they grow.”

Origin所有y from Pittsfield, and a graduate of nearby Williams College, Ms. 米兰 was drawn back to the Berkshires in part for the opportunity at MHS, 但也因为她喜欢这个地方. “I thought it would be a great place to raise my child,她说。. Ms. 米兰诺和她的丈夫, 肯(越野队的教练), 你们有一个两岁的女儿吗.

“What I love about Miss H所有’s is that the School pairs its actions with its philosophies,她说。. “我们不仅嘴上说我们相信这些东西, 但这些行为也支持了这些哲学, 是否多样性, 股本, 以及包容或健康, and those are philosophies that match what I love about education.”